CSR Gyprock Cornices
Gyprock offers a diverse range of cornice products designed to add a decorative touch to various styles of homes. The cornice range includes several categories with unique designs catering to different aesthetic preferences and architectural requirements.

Here's a brief overview of some of the categories and types of cornices available:
Standard Cornices
Cove Cornice: A classic design, known for its simplicity and versatility.
Contemporary Cornices:
Aria Cornice: Featuring a slimline profile with a subtle centre deflection design, Gyprock Aria echoes contemporary architecture at its best. This 75mm cornice delivers a simple, yet striking presence for contemporary style homes.
Duo Cornice: Gyprock Duo features a strong, two-step design with modern lines for a short, sharp statement to deliver a simple, yet striking presence for modern homes.
Presto Cornice: Simple and subtle, Gyprock Presto delivers a clean modern finish similar to square setting. Simple to cut and fast to install this functional profile features a 90mm flat face that creates a 15mm step along the ceiling.
Inspirational Range:
Alto Cornice: A part of the Inspirations Range for a unique style.
Concerto Cornice: Combines smooth curves and distinctive lines, ideal for formal styles.
Symphony Cornice: Another elegant option in the Inspirations Range.
Tempo Cornice: Offers a distinct design for modern interiors.
Trio Cornice: Provides a unique aesthetic appeal.